“By default, we are in darkness.
He is the light.”
Anyone who is among the living has hope—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!
- Ecclesiastes 9:4
Dear God,
I see you. I see you trying to free me from a lot of things:
my demons (the voices in my head that tell me I'm not good enough, or that my life has no value)
my past humiliations (deeply rooted shame from sexual violation, my wedding, my failures)
my dysfunctional ways of thinking (judgmental attitides, subconscious thoughts that certain people are a waste of space unless they make their own money and inspire others - I thought Rose was a waste of space and I judged her, I also measured myself against this standard)
my obsessive need to prove myself and my worth and the value of my existence
my tendency to bounce from one extreme to the other (self-deprecating and self-flattery... Gratitude and despair)
my fears (fears of failure and humiliation)
my pride
my lack of forgiveness (for the people who've hurt me, rejected me, excluded me and underestimated me)
my need for retaliation against those people, my concerns about the future
my self reliance and need to build my dream on my own.
By default we are in darkness. You are the light. You are the way, the truth and the Life.
You are the one who holds things together.
Anyone who is among the living has hope[a]—even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!
- Ecclesiastes 9:4
You are the life, Lord. Help me to live in You and You alone.