you will get through this

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography


Beautiful, you have not failed;

the universe has only taken you on a detour

that you needed to experience

to become stronger

and wiser.

You'll rise again as you always do.

Darling, never forget,

there is a plan for you.


you survive all things

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography


You are still good.

Never mind that your fences

were torn down by the wolves,

never mind that you have scars

from standing in the fire,

never mind that your garden doesn't grow.

You're still standing, still breathing.

There is still a song in the beat of your heart.

No one knows you like God knows you,

and the universe, though silent -

is still smiling, hands folded on its lap

in anticipation

of the amazing, wonderful thing

that will manifest through you.


your heart has a fire

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography


My dear,

there is a way out of the darkness.

It is a road paved with mercy, grace,

and self-forgiveness. You will not get there overnight.

You must be patient with your process.


you are a conqueror

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography

(c) Waldo Brozo Photography


for your journey:


Dear Girl, Be Brave is a comforting companion on your journey towards healing.

A mix of verse and practical wisdom, this poetry collection encourages resilience and celebrates a woman's ability to triumph over adversity.

Concluded with journal and poem prompts, the book incites deep reflection for cultivating courage, inner strength and self-love.


Sometimes the healing process is not linear. 

Sometimes you'll go round and round in circles, 

learning, improving, relapsing, 

then picking yourself up all over again 

until the wounds stop hurting 

until the scars start to fade

until the ghosts of the past stop haunting.

But, my dear, be compassionate to yourself

for this is what it takes 

to rise from the ashes.

free resources for you: